rizmaster2017-01-09 16:42:05
rizmaster, 2017-01-09 16:42:05

How to make authorization through social networks to add comments?

Hello everyone , please
help me solve this problem.
You need to make authorization through social networks, so that you can leave comments.
Can I somehow use this snippet to implement all this? if so, how?
Trying to use HybridAuth but getting errors with facebook ([2017-01-09 16:06:06] (ERROR @ /home/c/cq93014/kompit/public_html/core/components/hybridauth/model/hybridauth/hybridauth.class. php : 74) [HybridAuth] Endpoint: Error while trying to init Hybrid_Auth: You cannot access this page directly.).
I have not tried it through VK yet, as there are some problems with the account (I will check tomorrow).
Thank you in advance!

Answer the question

In order to leave comments, you need to log in

2 answer(s)
Sanes, 2017-01-09

You have to watch how you are doing.
I'm building this site right now. Everything works fine.
Checked Vk, G+, Yandex, Facebook
Contacts in profile. Get in touch if you can't do it yourself.

Web Developer Blog, 2017-01-09

If through VK, then everything is available in the documentation described

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