Alexander Antonov2016-05-09 21:57:59
Alexander Antonov, 2016-05-09 21:57:59

How to make another separate desktop on ubuntu 14.04?

Is it possible to make another completely separate desktop in Ubuntu so that you can switch to it, for example, with the key combination Ctrl + Alt + F8 and back Ctrl + Alt + F7?

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2 answer(s)
Ergil Osin, 2016-05-10

Switching by Ctrl + Alt + F8 is what you need not another desktop, but one more X.
Yes, that's possible.
Google about launching two x's (startx -- :1 and all that) or even about launching two DMs in order to log into each of them.

Ivan Bogachev, 2016-05-09

As of Ubuntu 13.04, multiple desktops are disabled by default - here's how to enable them back.

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