Artem Ponomarev2018-12-20 12:22:26
Online shopping
Artem Ponomarev, 2018-12-20 12:22:26

How to make an order status for a user?

Good afternoon! I have a project to make an online store. One of the functionality that the customer provides is to make the order status on the page after the payment. In this regard, I have a question, is it possible to implement such functionality on WP?
There was an idea to pull the order status from the database and display it on the page using Ajax. Will this work?

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2 answer(s)
Jupiter Max, 2018-12-20

How are you going to run the store?

Alexander Sobolev, 2018-12-20

Jupiter Max , Artem Ponomarev , store in any competent case with custom post type ?! Therefore, as an option, it is possible to implement through arbitrary. Write a metabox, with a select, functions to save the value, save it in an arbitrary field and output, for example, by a short code, anywhere to the customer.

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