timbird2016-10-25 10:34:48
timbird, 2016-10-25 10:34:48

How to make an adaptive menu between two blocks?

Good afternoon!
I have 3 blocks in my header
1. Logo
2. Menu
3. Contact information
I set them display: inline-block so that they line up in a horizontal line
1 and 3 block I set a fixed width of 200 px
I want block 2 Menu to occupy all the remaining free space space, and if the menu items inside this block do not fit into one line on the screen, they should move down to the second line. In this case, the extreme block 3 with contact information should not be transferred to the second line.
What styles should be set?

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Goryachev, 2016-10-25


Vladimir, 2016-10-25


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