Davidaa_WoW2021-08-15 11:15:39
Davidaa_WoW, 2021-08-15 11:15:39

How to make a telegram bot?

Hello! I know a little more about telegram bots than nothing. The following task arose: to write a very simple bot, the only function of which would be notifications about new orders, information should come via an HTTP request. No mailings, no other functionality. How should I proceed in this case? I don’t really want to climb into the designers, because. prices are exorbitant there, and I haven't found a way to accept HTTP requests. I know c/c# from PL, a little JS, a little python, is that enough for me? What are they usually written on?
And the last question - is it possible not to create any channels, groups and conversations, but simply link it to PM?

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2 answer(s)
shurshur, 2021-08-16

If it is necessary that orders on the site come to the site owner in telegrams, then this is quite simple to do. You just need to create a bot, write /start there yourself (so that the bot can send to this user), get your id in any way (for example, through third-party bots) and make a request call after the order:


Skrayvee, 2021-08-15


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