Roman Solovov2019-02-05 10:10:33
Roman Solovov, 2019-02-05 10:10:33

How to make a server on pc? Using ssh?

How to change the IP of a computer using ssh, what are the commands? To raise the server of the computer? Using ssh? I hope everything is clear.

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3 answer(s)
Sergey, 2019-02-05

nothing is remembered at all))))
1. what is the goal?
2. what did you do for this?
3. what did not work for you?

vlarkanov, 2019-02-05

What OS? What exactly needs to be done? What access is there to the computer?

Saboteur, 2019-02-05

1. With the help of ssh, the IP of the computer is not changed, but connected to it.
2. You can change the IP of the computer using commands, and in order to enter commands, you may need to connect first via ssh. But at the same time, it’s not a fact that you know what exactly to change and whether the computer will work later.
You need to read the theory about networks before changing anything, because there are more errors in your question than a question.

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