John2017-03-13 12:42:19
John, 2017-03-13 12:42:19

How to make a router with nested urls in php/nodejs?

How to make a router correctly so that the url is nested, and we do not know the amount of nesting.
You can do it like this (nodejs)

Route.get('/:category', 'FrontController.')
Route.get('/:category:subcategory', 'FrontController')
Route.get('/:category:subcategory:page', 'FrontController')

But this way we will limit our nesting to 3 resources,
Tell me how you do it. It doesn't matter what language, the main principle of work.

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1 answer(s)
Anton Anton, 2017-03-13

If we are talking about node + express, then there you can set regular expressions as the first parameter

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