Electronium2018-03-11 08:15:24
Electronium, 2018-03-11 08:15:24

How to make a paid registration in a social network?

I want to create a social network on the WordPress engine using the BuddyPress plugin.
How can I make sure that registration is only paid, and also make it so that people who register invite new users and receive money for this (for example, in dollars or bitcoins) through an affiliate program?

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2 answer(s)
Konstantin Tsvetkov, 2018-03-11

The creation of a financial pyramid is punishable by the Criminal Code.

Orkhan Hasanli, 2018-03-11

Let's start with a simple one ... I strongly advise against creating social networks. network on the VP (IMHO). since the VP is not imprisoned for this business ... It is desirable that the social program be written from scratch.
But nevertheless, you can create a social. network and even charge for registration, if it comes to that ... But you must understand that in order for people to pay for registration on your site, at least you need to decently promote it.
There are quite a few different plugins for creating social networks. networks on the VP. From my own experience I will say that I do not like BuddyPress, since the functionality is quite limited ... Take it - https://ru.wordpress.org/plugins/ultimate-member/
At a minimum, the advantage of this plugin is the ability to add conditional logic to registration forms, authorization forms, etc., which is not available in buddypress. Also, the functionality of the plugin is extended by other plugins. You can even integrate the bbpress forum with ultimate member. In order to collect money, you can use the plugin - https://wordpress.org/plugins/s2member/
If we are talking about the implementation of social. networks by CMS, then you can use livestreet.ru , it’s true, it’s already old, but it works.

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