akula222015-12-16 15:41:31
akula22, 2015-12-16 15:41:31

How to make a link with parameters for Ajax?

I want to get data from the controller when clicking on the link without refreshing the page, that is, with Ajax

<?= Html::a('подробнее', ['/site/default/news', 'id'=>(int)$item->id], [ 
              'class' => 'btn btn-small', 
        					'data' => [ 
        					    'data-method' => 'post',
    					]) ?>

$js = "$('.btn').on('click', function() 
            \"/site/default/news\", {
                id :   тут надо передать айди новости
$this->registerJs($js, $this::POS_READY);

But when I click on the link, it takes me to the /site/default/news page, how can I make the page stay the same? and how to send id to controller

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2 answer(s)
Evgeny Dozhdikov, 2015-12-16

Depending on which version of Yii.
In version 1 look at CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton.
In version 2 I can not find something similar, maybe someone will correct me.
But you can do it in a similar way that you wrote, just remember to cancel the click action on the link, for example:

$('.btn').on('click', function(e){
    /** код */

And also in the handler, specify where to load the content from ajax:
    {id : /** id новости */},

akula22, 2015-12-17

For the second day I've been fighting with this Ajax, this is what happened:
There is a block that, when you click on the link, opens with a brief description of the news, and below there is a button for more details.

        <?= Html::a($item->title, 'javascript:show("newsid", ' . (int)$item->link . ')') ?> 
          <div style="display:none" id="newsid_<?= (int)$item->link ?>">
            <?= $item->description ?>

            <?= Html::a('подробнее', ['/site/default/footballnews', 'id'=>(int)$item->link], [ 
              'id' => 'link_fnews',
              'class' => 'btn btn-small', 
        					'data' => [ 
        					    'data-method' => 'post',
    					]) ?>  

when you click more, the JS function is triggered
$js = "$('#link_fnews').on('click', function(e) 
    	var link = $(this).attr('href');
    var id = link.split('?id=');  //  парсю строку и получаю чистый ID новости

    	$('#link_fnews').html('<i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-pulse\"></i>');   //  здесь гружу анимацию(loading)

        		$('#link_fnews').html('');  //  убираю анимацию
        		$('#newsid_'+id[1]).append(data)   //  грузим новость в блок с айди новостью
$this->registerJs($js, $this::POS_READY);

in the controller I get the news by id and return it echo $content;
If I request the first news, then everything is fine, everything is as it should be, but if any other news is sent to me on the page /site/default/footballnews?id=379255 and the text of the news is there, why is this happening? how to fix
and the second question, is it possible to optimize my code?

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