kolibry12016-02-11 12:30:30
kolibry1, 2016-02-11 12:30:30

How to make a heatmap better?

Good afternoon! The TOR is such that you need to make a click map (there is a picture of the shopping center workshop, and it is necessary that when hovering over each segment-pavilion, a reaction is given).
Site on WP. The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, to do it on the forehead.

<area shape="poly" coords="113,24,211,24,233,0,137,0" alt="Магазин 1">

Are there any more elegant solutions?

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3 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2016-02-11

Why don't you want to make it a plugin?

Wheelie, 2016-02-11

There is also SVG.

Pavel Chesnokov, 2016-02-11

And do not forget to screw something for "responsive", otherwise you change the picture and the zones will move out of their places. For example this .

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