Kirill Novikov2019-03-13 18:48:05
Kirill Novikov, 2019-03-13 18:48:05

How to make a game in JavaScript?

Hello, I had an idea about creating a full-fledged strategy game written in JavaScript.
I would like to hear your advice on what is the best way for me to create a strategy game for different devices in JS (perhaps in a browser)?

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3 answer(s)
Maxim Timofeev, 2019-03-13

Hello, I had an idea about creating a full-fledged strategy game written in JavaScript.

why in javascript? It's not the best language for writing complex games.
so browser or not? Or cross platform? There is nothing worse for a project than the lack of technical specifications. You first decide on the TK, then choose the tools.
a language suitable for the TK and an engine suitable for it and the game.
You shouldn't be doing this at the level of knowledge you're at right now. You need to be good at js first. You may have become bored, but believe me, there is no more fun in the gaming industry. Don't confuse "making games" with "making games". Everything is just as boring there, but it is much more difficult than what you are doing now.

Robur, 2019-03-13

To create a full-fledged strategy game in JS, you have only one option - to use the years of your life. This is if you are very actively engaged, every day and on weekends, too, work on it.
In general, if you want to write a more or less normal game in JS, then you will need hardcore vanilla JS, as a game it will still be an order of magnitude worse than all the others, but then you will know JS perfectly, be well versed in the features of the VM, master WebGL, sockets and much more. It will take about 5 years to do this with great perseverance (only for development). With this, you can go look for an interesting job.
But if you want to have an online game with other players, then add another 3 years to study and create a full-fledged server part. If you want it to work also on mobile devices - 4 years on top to learn how to do it + deal with native development to cover bottlenecks.
Total for a full-fledged strategy for playing online and on different devices - 10-15 years of life. then another six months or a year to cut out the main bugs. This is if you draw graphics in parallel, do not spend a lot of time on the mechanics of the game and do not think about how to promote it, but be content with a couple of dozen players who will notice it.
Someone will say that it is not worth it, but if you really have a great desire - who will forbid you. There are examples of such perseverance among people, games over these 10 years of development are hopelessly outdated, and of course no one will play it, but an article about this always gains a certain number of likes.
And there will be something to talk about in retirement.

Alex, 2019-03-13

Everything is simple.
Define functionality.
Choose an engine, In your case, I think playcanvas will do . And start

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