Nday0012020-06-23 16:30:58
Web development
Nday001, 2020-06-23 16:30:58

How to make a file repository with HTTP access?

There is a task: to make an information portal / file repository, i.e. some website with a pleasant design for the average user, no articles, only links to files.
There is such an idea: let's say there is a directory /var/www/html/files, inside the directory the following structure
is ./files/file1.txt
./ files/folder2/file2.2.txt
We need to display the structured contents of the /var/www/html/files/ directory dynamically on the web page. That is, so that when adding and deleting files, the web page changes.
Something similar is implemented in Linux repositories (eg ru.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/)
Is there a ready-made solution (template) for such a task?

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4 answer(s)
Philipp, 2020-06-23


Sanes, 2020-06-23

This is a regular Nginx or Apache.

Nadim Zakirov, 2020-06-23

If you want to beautifully design the output, use php to generate an html page with links to files.

Nikita Shinkevich, 2020-06-23

...probably I will advise such garbage now... but I did the same with this script: Manlix Dirs Viewer

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