abelisk2015-07-26 22:51:27
abelisk, 2015-07-26 22:51:27

How to make a data connection and views in an android application?

In an Android application, you need to implement a list that is loaded via the Internet (and also cached). Further, while the application is running, the information inside the list elements is updated and the list itself changes. How to make a data connection and views?

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2 answer(s)
Oleg Gamega, 2015-07-26

CursorLoader + ContentProvider will give you what you need ))
just update the data in the database in the background, and updating in the interface out of the box,
this approach is recommended by Google and in fact it will justify itself

Onito, 2015-07-26

Depending on what technology you use to implement your list

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