Denis Bukreev2017-02-02 17:44:08
Denis Bukreev, 2017-02-02 17:44:08

How to make a curved slider?

So it goes.
I threw in the layout, because NDA:
Here's the point:
Products have a gradient size (similar to the dock in macOS), respectively, the selected one is the largest, the farther from it - the smaller the size.
You can select by clicking on the product, using the arrow buttons at the ends of the carousel and the slider in the lower left corner.
And this slider creates the most questions.
How can I make it so curved that the slider follows the curve?
And how to connect it with the carousel - track some coordinates? I don't represent at all.

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3 answer(s)
Maxim Timofeev, 2017-02-02

js + svg
Here is a simple example: ruseller.com/lessons.php?rub=2&id=2783 because I don't think there are curved ones.

whoisthere, 2017-02-02

Dig in this direction.
Path Animation

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