danilr2019-07-26 11:12:08
danilr, 2019-07-26 11:12:08

How to make a bat file so that windows does not go to sleep?

There is a hard setting of the computer by the administrator - windows falls asleep without activity after 2 hours.
You can’t download or install anything third-party, the idea is to create a bat file with your own hands that will do something cyclic (at least click the cursor or open and close a folder) preventing windows from falling asleep. Any ideas? What to write in the bat file for these actions?

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3 answer(s)
Vladislav Lyskov, 2019-07-26

write in consoleping -t

Yan, 2019-07-26

Idea 1: configure any command with log output to a file, send the file over the network to any machine using the same batch file. Windows will
not fall asleep as long as there is an active Internet connection
Idea 2: set the lasso process, select any hanging service and disable PC sleep when it is works
Idea 3: autohotkey, make a script, set up cycling
Idea 4 remind the admin about his duties, let him set up the PC as it should

res2001, 2019-07-26

If you need it for work, then officially agree with the management so that you can temporarily cancel the general mode. There are exceptions to any rules.
If not, put up with it, if your attempts to bypass are discovered, it's worse for you.
I believe that it is not just that you have such strictness there.

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