JuggerT2021-01-11 11:23:40
JuggerT, 2021-01-11 11:23:40

How to make a 301 redirect from a site with www to a site without www in Bitrix24?

Description: The main mirror of the site https://shop.massdecor.ru . It is necessary to make it so that when a user enters from www.shop.massdecor.ru , his 301 redirect will be transferred to the main mirror. Now nothing is loaded at this address at all.
There is no access to .htaccess in Bitrix24, so it’s impossible to do it in a simple way.
Tech support said that this feature is currently not implemented.
On the hosting where the domain is registered is cPanel, can you somehow use it?

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1 answer(s)
Andrey Nikolaev, 2021-01-12

On the hosting where the domain is registered is cPanel, can you somehow use it?

If you use Sites24 (through the site builder) or Online Store24 (also through the site builder), then no. No, because these sites are only partially with you, and the Bitrix cloud server is responsible for a specific request (in fact, if the license runs out, your site will also go out).

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