ChemAli2011-09-02 15:21:33
ChemAli, 2011-09-02 15:21:33

How to loop through elements within Javascript/jQuery?

There is a fixed group of SPAN elements. With some action (say, a click), you need to select one of the elements and make it "current". At the next click, the next SPAN should become “current”. Upon reaching the “end” of this group, the first element should become the current one.

That is, with each click, the “current” element is selected and this happens in a circle.

Only crooked govnokod climbs into my head. Suggest, please, organic, in your opinion, solution.

Thanks in advance.

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4 answer(s)
Alexander Keith, 2011-09-02

Maybe something like this: an example ?

Anatoly, 2011-09-02

var next = $('span.selected').next();
next = ( next.length ) ? next : $(firstElem);

Or have I misunderstood something?

ChemAli, 2011-09-02

Thank you gentlemen! It's time for me to close the work week.
Upvoted both

Evgeny Tereshchenko, 2011-09-10

The taliban example works if the spans have a common parent.
My option is to iterate over the jQuery object. (choose all elements with the desired class and the setnext function select elements in a circle)
var elements = $('span'),
setnext = function(){
var selected = elements.filter('.selected').removeClass('selected'),
index = elements.index(selected);
index = (++index == elements.length)? 0 : index ;

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