oe24y2019-01-19 13:37:09
oe24y, 2019-01-19 13:37:09

How to load the code (with js, css, fonts) of a one-pager that is accessed under login?

There is a page, access to which is through authorization. There is a login and password,
but how to download the code and dependencies (fonts, scripts, styles) in one fell swoop and open this page locally?
Thank you all in advance for your opinions, comments and replies!

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2 answer(s)
Talyan, 2019-01-19

What is meant by the phrase "login access"
1) is there HTTP_AUTH_PW authorization?
2) or FTP access?
3) just access to the administrative panel of this site, where you can change the text of the page?
4) Access via hosting?
if 2) then download the source files via FTP
if 3) then it depends on the implementation and idea of ​​the site, on the functions of the admin
panel if 4) then download from the hosting control panel

lagudal, 2019-01-19

Those. you want what is called ripnut site? If you are sure that the site is purely html css js then there are several options. The easiest is to open the site after authorization in devtools and pull everything you need.
It seems that you can still set up a teleporter or similar programs to download the entire site structure - but I haven’t dealt with them for a long time and, to be honest, I don’t know how it is with captchas now. Maybe there is a right solution.
But in general, this is most often used for this purpose, so that it is more difficult to pull off.
Or maybe it’s still a one-pager in php, or in frameworks like angular react vue, there’s not much you can do there at all.

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