Apostol632018-12-20 06:23:18
Apostol63, 2018-12-20 06:23:18

How to learn Kotlin?

Hello everyone
. Please advise a suitable site / course on Kotlin, where, in addition to the standard "bring out Hello world", they also teach at least a little practice.
It's just that all the lessons on creating the first (!) Application for android begin with the fact that there "already wrote a little" and in fact there are a lot of lines of code and files ... How can a newbie in android dev figure it out?

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3 answer(s)
Denis Zagaevsky, 2018-12-20

Kotlin koans + official documentation

ivanessence, 2018-12-20

If you know java, then first you superficially study the syntax of kotlin and immediately sit down to make some kind of application and google as needed.
If you don't know it will be hard, and yes, start with the book mentioned in EVGENY T 's answer.

Tamerlan Godzhiev, 2019-03-15

For example, I’ll start studying here with the book “Kotlin in Action”

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