Andrew2014-05-14 20:05:56
Andrew, 2014-05-14 20:05:56

How to keep laptop battery at 50%?

You need software that allows you to keep the laptop battery at about 50%. The laptop itself is Lenovo Z570 (OS Win 8.1). Now it has standard software called Lenovo Energy Management. It allows you to switch 2 modes:
- Keep the laptop charged at 50%
- Always charge the battery to full.
This thing allows you to quite well extend the life of the battery. Now the way the standard utility from Lenovo works is quite satisfactory. But I would like to have an alternative for the future if a laptop from another manufacturer is purchased.
I am also interested in similar software for Linux, as ubuntu is planned to be used in the future.

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4 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2014-05-15

Yes, it does not prolong life in any way, + - a month is not essential to fool around.
This will not affect the new lithium batteries at all.

Diman89, 2014-05-14

Have you tried to put on a third-party manufacturer Lenovo Energy Management? Because the Lenovo soft for authorization through a webcam works and not on lenov

Deerenaros, 2014-06-30

What is bullshit marketing?
Do you know why this "feature" prolongs the life of the battery? It's trite because if the battery is constantly charged to the full, then each discharge-charge cycle reduces the next charge by ~ 0.1%. That is, the maximum possible current will be 99.9% of the previous one. If you charge by 50%, then roughly speaking, each cycle reduces the next charge by 0.05%, but the cunning scheme will make it so that the next time you charge, it will take these 0.05% from the reserve that you decided not to charge.
This is fraught with the fact that the battery "exhales". In general, a full discharge has sad consequences for Li-Ion, but the funny thing is that not only cycles affect it, but batteries also have a shelf life. You, of course, as it seems to you, will extend the life of the battery by a couple of years. But what's funny, after a couple of years of full work, you will just get 50% ~ 30%, and so it can suddenly crash due to a glitch in the microcircuit.

odiadm, 2015-10-08

Are there charge-discharge cycles if the laptop is constantly connected to charging?
And is it not worth it in this case to keep the charge at 50%?

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