ligisayan2020-12-15 18:11:29
ligisayan, 2020-12-15 18:11:29

How to isolate a number from the price and write it to a variable in the cs cart template?

Hello! There is an online store on CS cart ,

where using the record

{$product.price|format_price:$currencies.$secondary_currency  nofilter}

displaying the price in the template Now I need to pass the net price (only a number without a span, space and currency symbol) to a variable for processing in js , but, unfortunately, it is weak in this php syntax - please tell me how to do this?

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1 answer(s)
ligisayan, 2020-12-16

Finally won!
Like this:

{assign var="my_price" value=fn_format_price_by_currency($product['base_price'], CART_PRIMARY_CURRENCY, 'UAH')}

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