Ivan Dobroslavin2015-03-09 17:04:11
Ivan Dobroslavin, 2015-03-09 17:04:11

How to integrate amocrm with website form?

I followed the instructions https://developers.amocrm.ru/examples/ copied the necessary files with all the changes for my AmoCRM account to the root of the site, linked the submission forum to the required file:
An error occurs when submitting the form:
The following fields are missing in amoCRM: 3, 5
This problem has already been tried to be solved here How to add a contact via api to amocrm? Whether it was decided or not is not clear.
Actually, the trouble is that I create an additional field in the AmoCRM Admin panel, and what's next - I can't figure out what and where to edit. Tell me please!

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5 answer(s)
Andrey Zubar, 2015-06-27

in file fields_info.php

$need=array_flip(array('PHONE','EMAIL'));//,'WEB','IM','POSITION','SCOPE' убрать лишнее, чего нет в amocrm

DimkaJack, 2015-09-30

Yuri, I'm not sure how true this is, but try this. In the fields_info.php file, before the condition, create the $fields array:

$fields = array();

and after the condition change
$custom_fields=!empty($fields) ? $fields : false;

Novomir Lobanov, 2016-06-24

I need to look at the code, I might be able to help.
I added additional fields like this:

ilya_niko, 2016-11-28

Faced the same task for your site.
If your site is made on the constructor - it's easy. Most popular constructors have instructions on how to insert the API code from amo into the constructor.
If the site is not a website builder, there are 2 options:
1. Look for a freelancer
2. Use the services of one of the 100 amoCRM partners
We used the services of
neurocrm.ru 3. Someone doesn't call back at all.
Of the 3, one with a space price (15.000 for connecting the site o_O)
, the 2nd is extinguished after the first call.
3rd, which called first and is neurocrm
Or learn to code yourself. Now full of tutorials and forums

Coxus, 2020-08-29

We have abandoned such methods of implementation. We use the xenoform widget . Quick install and lots of options.

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