partisan422022-01-28 06:15:16
partisan42, 2022-01-28 06:15:16

How to install Windows 10?

Good day. Such a piece of iron fell into my hands. Lenovo Center e73.
https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/deskto... An
outrageously simple task. Remove HDD, insert SSD, roll Windows 10.
I removed the HDD, installed the SSD, plugged in a USB flash drive with Windows 10 (original, clean assembly), the installation started.
Copying files, preparing for installation, 15 seconds before reboot. Reboot. Iiiiiiiiii .... Everything ... Black screen.
Rebut through the button, the same garbage.
What could be the problem?

Which I already tried.
1) In Bios, set forced boot to UEFI
2) Forced to specify integrated video as a video interface. There is no discrete card at all.
3) Change my flash drive to another. Tried with iso from Zalman disk.
4) I tried the installation from under the liveCD, through the 78Setup utility.
5) Reset Bios to defaults (well, just in case).
6) Shil Bios is the latest version available on the site.
7) I took another SSD drive (the first was KingstoneA400, the second was Samsung EVO 860. Both are new, freshly printed.)
8) I tried to change the Sata cable.
9) I took an SSD, plugged it into another PC, installed the OS on it, and tucked the disk with Windows already installed onto the long-suffering Lenovo Center e73. The result is the same. Black screen, after the logo appeared for a couple of seconds /

Help me obi wan kenobi, you're my only hope.

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2 answer(s)
partisan42, 2022-01-28

As a result, the answer came from another source.
The motherboard there is custom from Lenovo themselves. What does it date from 2014? Then Windows 8 was already in full swing and Windows 10 was starting.
But they put the Intel H81 chipset there, for which there are no drivers for 10 even on the official website.
In general, I am inclined to believe that the reason lay precisely in the chipset.

Alfieros, 2022-01-28

Friend, convert the SSD structure to GPT, and do not put it in MBR.

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