id_photok_net_azaza2016-01-20 09:44:13
id_photok_net_azaza, 2016-01-20 09:44:13

How to implement trigger mailing yourself. For example, "abandoned cart"?

We need our own solution for returning users who abandoned the "cart". The architecture is not entirely clear. Does anyone understand this issue?

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2 answer(s)
egorist, 2016-01-27

The scheme is something like this - we store the id of the basket (session and goods) and the composition of the basket itself in the session, for example, in the database.
We look either at the user's activity (not active for more than n hours) or at the fact of his leaving the site without making a purchase. Here it will be necessary to implement a timer or a scheduler, and it is enough to store the date of the last action somewhere.
If the user returned to the site, changed the basket - delete the "basket" from the database. You need to create a trigger for this behavior
. If not, after a specified period of time we send a letter with goods loaded from the database.
In the links, you need to sew a token to resume the session with the basket.
This is one of the options.

id_photok_net_azaza, 2016-01-27

Can you implement it yourself? And what reward do you want? Write to [email protected]

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