Dima Matvienko2021-01-15 13:15:02
Dima Matvienko, 2021-01-15 13:15:02

How to implement multilingualism on the site?

afternoon, tell me, the site is made on React, but the base is written in php.
It is necessary to implement a site for 2 versions in Russian. and Ukrainian
The code should display both Russian and Ukrainian versions, but at the same time, when you select a language on the site, it pulls up a certain description.
There is a Hotline website (here's something to do) when they switch the language, only the text changes.

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1 answer(s)
Alexander N, 2021-01-15

1. In the store, you control which language is selected
2. In the store, you pull a dictionary with the active language from the back
3. In the store, a function that accepts a tag for translation and returns the text
like this:

activeLang = 'ru' // активный язык

dict = [
{tag: 'header-title', ru:'Зонтик', ua: 'Парасолька'}
] // пример словаря котрый мы получили с бэка и положили в стор

const getMyLocal = tag =>{
const item = dict.find((item) => item.tag === tag );
return item ? item[activeLang] : 'wrong tag';

<div>getMyLocal('header-title') </div>
Well, something like this if quickly

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