web112014-09-14 23:20:44
web11, 2014-09-14 23:20:44

How to hide a module on a mobile device?

The site has a slideshow module.
The task is to hide this module when viewing the site from a smartphone.

The option of hiding using media queries is not suitable, because in this case, the pictures are still downloaded to the user's device, which slows down the overall page load.

Googled mobiledetect.net .
This solution for joomla, on which the site is developed, has a separate plugin .

It works, but only for mobile devices in general (phones+tablets).
The option to check only for phones does not work

if(MobileDetector::getPhoneDevices() === false){

I would be grateful if you tell me a working solution that you used in your projects.

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4 answer(s)
sinneren, 2014-09-15

The plugin says

// Any mobile device (phones or tablets).
if ( $detect->isMobile() ) {
// Any tablet device.
if( $detect->isTablet() ){

so it works great for mobile and tablets separately

Sergey, 2014-09-15
Protko @Fesor

Why are tablets better than phones? Is a phone with a 7" screen a tablet or a phone? Is a tablet with a 10" screen and having a GSM module a tablet or a phone?

Viktor Vsk, 2014-09-15

MQ upload pictures?

Dima Pautov, 2014-09-15

In our time, the phone is a loose concept. If I were you, I would track the width of the screen for this!
if($(window).width() == 200){
//Remove slider initialization etc.

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