Bronto2222015-01-03 10:28:04
Bronto222, 2015-01-03 10:28:04

How to get started as a mobile game developer?

Recently I got interested in the topic of mobile development, and in particular - Android. While searching for information on the Internet, I got confused. On some sites it was written that you need to start with this language and from no other, and on others - exactly the opposite.
Therefore, I would like to hear the opinion of programmers on this matter: "where to start the path of a mobile game developer?"

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4 answer(s)
Alexey Ukolov, 2015-01-03

you need to start with this language and with no other, and in others - exactly the opposite.
From what "this" language? If you think that Android is a programming language, then you should start with Wikipedia.
Well, in general, of course, you need to start with the official guide .

Puma Thailand, 2015-01-03

Well, it's obvious from Java

Peter, 2015-01-03

You need to start with a good game idea, then do research on a simple prototype to see if this idea will be of interest to someone else. And only then implement the idea on what you like.

Oleg Gamega, 2015-01-03

If games, then limiting yourself only to android is stupid, so I would recommend unity, and then, depending on your experience, if you have at least some experience in programming, then you will be familiar enough with the c # syntax and into battle (of course, for simple toys, for something more seriously, mathematics and much more will be required)
if there is no programming experience, then I would advise spending a month on c #, algorithms, etc., and after that start getting acquainted with unity

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