EvolDev2017-10-06 13:23:46
Game development
EvolDev, 2017-10-06 13:23:46

How to get into game-dev and how to start a career in this area if you are a web developer?

Perhaps someone has come across a similar situation or is currently developing games.
Please let me know how you got into this field.
What technology stack were you hired with, and what are they asking juniors to do now?
I am considering a job in Moscow.
It’s hard for me to say about companies where I would like to work, due to the fact that I don’t know everyone who lives here.
At the moment I am engaged in web development (3 years), I got here more under the influence of the external environment than on my own ambitions. In the near future I want to leave the web and start only playing games.
I am learning Unity3D and C#. I don’t consider other engines, since Unity suits me quite well for my little homework in the evenings and in the future I would like to work with it.
The books I went through were "Unity in action", "Game Programming Patterns", and C# Schildt.
Among my skills, I don’t have anything other than what I learned from books, and I don’t have my own projects either (I don’t consider completed tasks from tutorials as my projects)
Maybe you know some other good material for raising the skill, and advise books or tutorials?

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5 answer(s)
Daniil Basmanov, 2017-10-06

Do not look for answers @ Questions write
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How to get started in Game Dev?
The easiest way to demonstrate your ability to an employer is to make a game. Choose any simpler classic retro game (snake, tetris, arkanoid), sit down and do it. When you're done with the gameplay, make a main menu, exit with the Esc button, a tutorial or at least instructions - in short, all those little things that make the game a game, not a prototype. Then you take and upload the source codes to GitHub, and the assembly to GitHub Pages or itch.io. If the game is mobile, then you can splurge on a developer's license and pollute the store with your craft, as you wish.
When you have done all this, you can submit a resume, this should be enough for the position of a junior. It will be a plus, of course, if you make not one game, but several, preferably different genres. They don't have to all be store quality, it's more important to show that you know how to make games in general, and not just Tetris. To test your skills, I highly recommend participating in game jams ( Ludum Dare , itch.io ), they are good at teaching composure and cutting out unnecessary features.
Of the learning resources, I can advise tutorials on Catlike Coding , there are quite a lot of advanced things covered there. ProI also advise you not to forget the official tutorials , recently their quality has become much higher.

Xeli, 2017-10-06

Gamedev is a craft. Rowing a galley is also a craft. And how to get to the galley? You approach the captain and show how you can row with an oar. If the captain likes it, he will chain you to the oar and then you will wave it for rations from dawn to the fence. If you wave diligently, someday you will even be appointed as an overseer. You will proudly stand on the quarterdeck and gently caress the backs of your subordinates with a whip.

Dmitry, 2017-10-06

We had vacancies in the city for individual IPs with a salary of 25,000 rubles. But the requirements are minimal, but there are a huge number of people who want to develop games ... Therefore, you need to search and offer regarding the place of residence and the desired salary.

MaxLich, 2017-10-06

Why don't you consider the web itself as a platform for games? Browser games are now quite popular, highly developed and widespread. I remember that someone wrote here that he made a backend for a browser strategy in PHP in a company.

Amffore, 2017-10-06

The books I went through were "Unity in action", "Game Programming Patterns", and C# Schildt.
Maybe you know some other good material for raising the skill, and advise books or tutorials?

And it seems to me that you have learned enough to start doing your project. As correctly noted above, create a profile on GitHub. Write your projects, make a portfolio and go on interviews.

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