Bodrosh2017-07-28 14:47:17
satellite navigation
Bodrosh, 2017-07-28 14:47:17

How to get gps coordinates of cars for a website?

Hello. Please tell me how can I get the coordinates of the company's cars by gps? What is needed for this? The driver, let's say, has a phone, it turns out you need some kind of application? I would like to display a map with the location on my site and store information about them, the proposed route, and additional information in the database. Maps of Yanex or Google provide such a possible implementation by api?
Those. a car should be displayed on the map and information is stored in the database where it should go (something like modern taxi systems)
How are such systems made? Can you tell me what to read

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Yermolayev, 2017-07-28

To constantly track the coordinates of an object, you need an application, android, ios api allows you to get the current location using the network or gps and then use it in the application (send data to the server and process it there as you like), Yandex maps and google maps there, it seems, you can send your coordinates via sms, email, etc.
PS. I participated in the development of a courier delivery system, in short, there was a server and an android application. The application contained a map showing the delivery address received from the server, and sent the coordinates of the courier to the server, after processing on the server, all couriers and their progress are displayed on the map by the operator, and other statistics (average speed, traffic jams, etc. .) Based on the statistics, the operator could plot the route of each courier. Something like this. :-)

freeExec, 2017-07-28

Maps I and G not only do not provide the required API, but also explicitly prohibit the implementation of transport dispatch systems on them.

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