AndrewMorozov20002022-03-20 21:31:22
AndrewMorozov2000, 2022-03-20 21:31:22

How to get data from Common Trace Format trace using babeltrace2?


Description: There are two files in the trace directory, streamdata (hex) and metadata of the CTF v1.8.3 trace format. I want to get numeric values ​​from these files. As far as I understood after reading the CTF v1.8.3 documentation , metadata is a structure that allows you to read data from streamdata, I decided to use babeltrace2 to read data . I tried to get the data using the babeltrace2 convert command but nothing worked.

Question: What specific babeltrace2 commands can be used to read data encoded in streamdata and metadata located in the trace directory?

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