Zhanna_K2020-10-17 23:19:03
Zhanna_K, 2020-10-17 23:19:03

How to get cross browser?

Good afternoon! I made the layout in sass, connected normalize.css and autoprefixer.
As a result, in Chrome the picture is beautiful and everything is fine when resizing the screen, but in Safari everything is not so smooth (when resizing the screen, some blocks do not behave as intended).
What else needs to be considered in order for the layout to match the layout in all browsers?

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1 answer(s)
ThunderCat, 2020-10-17

What else needs to be considered in order for the layout to match the layout in all browsers?
Many things. For example, the fact that macos safari is built on the horma engine, BUT:
a) it does not support a bunch of chips that always lag behind the current current version (for example, grids);
b) Has some differences in the code, due to "platform features;
c) Cherry on the cake - chrome under the apple is not chrome at all. This is (tadaaam!) Safari with a chrome skin that is on the chrome engine PS :
Fresh tale from the cryptworking days. Seoshnik issues a summary of the Googlespeedtest pages - "everything is bad with us, let's, as the great Google bequeathed, make pictures in webp, it's fashionable-stylish-youthful, Google likes it and smells like a Christmas tree!". Well, ok, they kicked the admin, he delivered the webp module, blinded the patch, rolled it into a deploy on the server - blunders, the pictures are very shrunk, Google likes it, I like it, the admin likes it, the SEO specialist generally pisses with boiling water, but for some reason the boss doesn’t like it. There are no pictures on his ipadpro. Picky. Okay, we are looking for a reason ... We found out that safari (along with the whole apple kingdom) hate your webp with fierce ferocity, they saw it in a coffin and already bought white slippers for this case. Okay, let's put chrome on the boss, but otherwise we have 1% of users on safari, we'll think of a cent later ... And then we found out what a horm under aios is))).

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