aresht2016-07-05 15:07:49
aresht, 2016-07-05 15:07:49

How to get certain parameters from the text?

There is a database with descriptions of real estate objects. The task is to create a program that can extract the necessary parameters from the text.
For example, the description may say "total area - 50m2" or "area 50/20/10", etc. This difference in spelling must be taken into account.
What technologies can be used to implement this? Ideally, this would be if the mechanism was self-learning. Interesting examples in Python.

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2 answer(s)
Alexey Cheremisin, 2016-07-05

The easiest way is to pull out all usage patterns from the entire database, for sure there will be about 30-40 of them. These patterns are to be programmed. Actually, after the word "area" we are looking forward 2-3 words starting with a number.

Sergey, 2016-07-06

Tomita parser from Yandex.
You do a grammar, and he is able to highlight the facts according to this grammar.

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