f1nef1ne2016-05-15 16:30:48
f1nef1ne, 2016-05-15 16:30:48

How to get a list of all publics in a contact?

Good day!
The question arose, how can I get a list of all publics on VKontakte?
The question arose after seeing the site http://allsocial.ru/ where you can find publics even by filter.
Is there any ready-made solution or ideas on how such a search can be implemented?

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4 answer(s)
Илья, 2016-05-15

Только что создал паблик, у него был айди 121 миллион что-то там. При помощи groups.getById за раз можно получить 500 групп. Благодаря execute за запрос можно получить 25*500, т.е. 12 500 групп. 3 запроса в секунду - 3*12500 = 37500 групп в секунду. Всего 122 миллиона групп - 122 000 000 делим на 37 500 = 3253 секунды или около часа работы. А если разделить на несколько пользователей, то вообще не вижу проблемы спарсить весь вк.

littleguga, 2016-05-15

It does not show all publics. Just checked.
Most likely an ordinary crawler with addition to the database.
We launch it to walk through all users incrementally, and scan their subscriptions. If there is a public in the database, ignore it, if not, add it.

Andrei Vurtatov, 2016-05-15

We go through all the groups and add them to the database with the page type

Dmitry Eremin, 2016-05-15

substring search. You can search by q="". But there it will return thousands of 2-3 publics
. You can brute force publics for
q = "1"
q = "2"
q = "3"
q = "9"
q = "a"
q = "z"
q = "a"
q = "i"
Unique (which occur for the first time) group identifiers are remembered. Here is the list of VK publics

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