Denis Kiselev2016-12-06 15:52:57
Denis Kiselev, 2016-12-06 15:52:57

How to generate json file for yandex map on wordpress?

Please tell me how to solve the problem. I'm making a social map on WordPress, all objects in a custom post type, where you can enter all the object's coordinates and dt. The question is how then to display all these objects on the map, there are a large number of them. From the manuals, I realized that the labels need to be loaded from a YMapsML file or json. BUT how to pre-generate this file???
Tell me, in which direction at least to look? Experience in this zero, I do not know what side to approach.

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1 answer(s)
Denis Kiselev, 2016-12-06

resolved the issue. Might be useful to someone:

  require_once( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wp-load.php' );
  global $post;
  global $wpdb;
<?php $markers = get_posts ('post_type=markers&order=ASC'); ?> 
<?php $arr = array(); ?>
  <?php if ($markers) :?>
    <?php foreach ($markers as $post) : setup_postdata ($post); ?>
        $arr[get_the_ID()]['type'] = 'Feature';
        $arr[get_the_ID()]['id'] = '0'; 
        $arr[get_the_ID()]['geometry']['type'] = 'Point'; 
        $arr[get_the_ID()]['geometry']['coordinates'] = array(55.831903, 37.411961); 
        $arr[get_the_ID()]['properties']['balloonContent'] = 'Содержимое балуна';
        $arr[get_the_ID()]['properties']['clusterCaption'] = 'Еще одна метка'; 
        $arr[get_the_ID()]['properties']['hintContent'] = 'Текст подсказки';
    <?php endforeach; ?>
  <?php endif; ?>
<?php wp_reset_postdata(); ?>

  $array = array(
    "type" => "FeatureCollection",
    "features" => array_values($arr)
<?php echo json_encode($array); ?>

the code is not ideal, comments and remarks are welcome)

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