Illarion Labahua2017-11-10 11:00:09
Google Sheets
Illarion Labahua, 2017-11-10 11:00:09

How to format a table if two columns are equal?

We have a table goo.gl/9JV59m
In it we need to format rows whose columns P and Q are not equal

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1 answer(s)
shushpanio, 2017-11-10

1. Select the table
2. Main - Conditional Formatting - Rules for selecting cells - Other rules
3. Use the Formula to determine the formatted cells
4. Write the following in the line for entering the formula =IF($P2=$Q2;0;1)
5. Customize then how we want to see the formatted strings by clicking on the format button
6. Ok - Ok
7. Enjoy the formatted strings

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