Anatoly Demyanenko2019-02-09 15:12:24
Anatoly Demyanenko, 2019-02-09 15:12:24

How to form an unusual query on Yii2 related tables?

There are 2 tables with a many-to-many relationship.
First (users)
id | name
1 | maxim
2 | lena
Second (roles)
id | role_name
1 | admin2
| moder
3 | author
AND relation table
id | user_id | role_id
1 | 1 | 2
2 | 2 | 2
3 | 2 | 3
And so Maxim we have only moderator and Lena and moder and author.
The Users model has a relationship

public function getRoles(){
    return $this->hasMany(Roles::className(),['id'=>'role_id'])
                ->viaTable('relation', ['user_id' => 'id']);

Making a request
$query = Users::find()
      ->joinWith(['roles rl'])
 ->andWhere(['rl.id', $searchModel->roles])

"$searchModel->roles" - The parameter passed from the form is an array of numbers ( role id) in this example, we will pass such an array [2,3].
And of course we get Maxim and Lena, which is correct, since in "Where" we have "rl.id in (2,3)"
but I need to get only the record that has both values ​​\u200b\u200band not one of (in this case, Lena)
tried do like this
$query = Users::find()
      ->joinWith(['roles rl']);
 foreach ($searchModel->roles as $role){
      $query->andWhere(['=','rl.id', $role]);
$result = $query->all();

And by itself received null that is expected.
Please suggest a solution to this issue. Namely, getting a record that will have both values ​​from a knitted table and not one of them.

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