jelezo2016-02-05 18:46:18
jelezo, 2016-02-05 18:46:18

How to fix time issue on Windows 10?

Windows 10 has a timing issue.
I work under Ubuntu, I play toys on Windows. After I reboot Ubuntu and go back to Windows, the time is consistently exactly 6 hours behind. If you just turn off Windows and go back after a while, then the time does not go astray.
I live in Novosibirsk, i.e. to UTC +6 hours, maybe it will give something. Internet time update is disabled.

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2 answer(s)
Ergil Osin, 2016-02-05

One of the systems considers that the hardware clock is in UTC, and the second does not. Fix one of them.

GreyPhantom, 2016-02-05

Internet time update disabled
Turn back.
The reason for this behavior is simple: Ubuntu, like many other *NIX-systems, counts the time in UTC and writes it in the BIOS (or wherever the clock settings on the motherboard are). And if Ubuntu is able to recalculate the time in accordance with the time zone, then Windows considers the time that is in the BIOS as local. Alternatively, in Windows, you can try using the "Hours for different time zones" function

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