Maxim0452020-01-09 20:41:27
Maxim045, 2020-01-09 20:41:27

How to fix SQLite query (Python code)?

Below will be quite a lot of code, but I believe that the error is in the extract_cover function . Here I'm trying to pass information to the SQLite database about the cover of the album this cover belongs to and store it in a specific folder if there isn't already an album cover with those tags. But I get a message that the request is invalid. It will also be lower. Please guide me how to fix the SQLite query?
UPD: I corrected something, taking into account the words of the person who answered me with a comment. It still does not work, but the error no longer occurs, the folder where the covers should go remains empty

import mutagen
import datetime

import os
os.environ['PYGAME_HIDE_SUPPORT_PROMPT'] = 'hide'
# import pygame

import sqlite3
from mutagen.id3 import ID3
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.filedialog import askdirectory

con = sqlite3.connect('tagsdatabase.db')
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tags_db(File_Path TEXT,
                                                  Song_Title TEXT,
                                                  Album_Title TEXT,
                                                  Song_Artist TEXT,
                                                  Album_Artist TEXT,
                                                  Year_of_Publishing INTEGER,
                                                  Track_Number INTEGER,
                                                  Length REAL,
                                                  Bitrate INTEGER)''')

cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS covers_db(File_Path TEXT,
                                                    Cover_Path TEXT,
                                                    Album_Title TEXT,
                                                    Album_Artist TEXT,
                                                    Year_of_Publishing INTEGER)''')

ban = str.maketrans('', '', '\:')
folder_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)

root = Tk()
root.minsize(300, 300)

def extract_cover(path: str, album_title: str, album_artist: str, year_of_publishing:str) -> None:
    '''Извлекает обложку из файла.'''
    music = ID3(path)
    data = music.getall('APIC')[0].data
    cover_name_f = path.translate(ban)
    cover_name_s = cover_name_f.replace('.mp3', '')
    cover_path = folder_path + '/Covers/' + cover_name_s + '.png'

        record_one = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM covers_db WHERE File_Path=? AND Album_Title=? AND Album_Artist=? AND Year_of_Publishing=?', (path, album_title, album_artist, year_of_publishing))
    duplicate_one = record_one.fetchall()

    record_two = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM covers_db WHERE File_Path=?', (path, ))
    duplicate_two = record_two.fetchall()

    if not duplicate_one:
        cur.execute('INSERT INTO covers_db VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', (path, cover_path, album_title, album_artist, year_of_publishing))
        with open(cover_path, 'wb') as cover:

    if duplicate_two:
        cur.execute('UPDATE covers_db SET Cover_Path=?, Album_Title=?, Album_Artist=?, Year_of_Publishing=? WHERE Cover_Path=?', (cover_path, album_title, album_artist, year_of_publishing, cover_path))



def extract_tags(path: str) -> str:
    '''Извлекает теги из файла и заполняет ими базу данных.'''

    audiofile = mutagen.File(path)

    if audiofile.tags:

        song_title_f = audiofile.tags.getall('TIT2')
        song_title = str(song_title_f[0]) if song_title_f else None
        # Извлекает из MP3-файла название композиции

        album_title_f = audiofile.tags.getall('TALB')
        album_title = str(album_title_f[0]) if album_title_f else None
        # Извлекает из MP3-файла название альбома

        song_artist_f = audiofile.tags.getall('TPE1')
        song_artist = str(song_artist_f[0]) if song_artist_f else None
        # Извлекает из MP3-файла имя исполнителя композиции

        album_artist_f = audiofile.tags.getall('TPE2')
        album_artist = str(album_artist_f[0]) if album_artist_f else None
        # Извлекает из MP3-файла имя исполнителя альбома

        year_of_publishing_f = audiofile.tags.getall('TDRC')
        year_of_publishing = str(year_of_publishing_f[0]) if year_of_publishing_f else None
        # Извлекает из MP3-файла имя исполнителя альбома

        track_number_f = audiofile.tags.getall('TRCK')
        track_number = str(track_number_f[0]) if track_number_f else None
        # Извлекает из MP3-файла порядковый номер композиции

        length = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = audiofile.info.length))
        # Извлекает из MP3-файла длину композиции

        bitrate = audiofile.info.bitrate
        # Извлекает из MP3-файла битрейт композиции

    song_tags = (path, song_title, album_title, song_artist, album_artist, year_of_publishing, track_number, length, bitrate)

    record = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM tags_db WHERE File_Path=?', (path, ))
    duplicate = record.fetchall()

    if not duplicate:
        cur.execute('INSERT INTO tags_db VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', song_tags)
        cur.execute('UPDATE tags_db SET Song_Title=?, Album_Title=?, Song_Artist=?, Album_Artist=?, Year_of_Publishing=?, Track_Number=?, Length=?, Bitrate=?  WHERE File_Path=?', (song_title, album_title, song_artist, album_artist, year_of_publishing, track_number, length, bitrate, path))


    extract_cover(path, album_title, album_artist, year_of_publishing)

def choose_files(directory: str) -> None:
    '''Отбирает MP3-файлы из ввыбранной директории, применяет extract_tags к каждому из них.'''
    for file in os.listdir(directory):
        if file.endswith('.mp3'):
            path = os.path.realpath(file)

def choose_directory(event) -> None:
    '''Открывает диалоговое окно выбора директории с MP3-файлами'''
    directory = askdirectory()

    # exit()

choosedirectory = Button(root, text = 'Choose Directory')
choosedirectory.bind('<Button-1>', choose_directory)


Here is the error :
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\101ap\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1705, in __call__
return self .func(*args)
File "c:/Users/101ap/Desktop/Player/extract_tags_DB.py", line 124, in choose_directory
File "c:/Users/101ap/Desktop/Player/extract_tags_DB.py" , line 117, in choose_files
File "c:/Users/101ap/Desktop/Player/extract_tags_DB.py", line 109, in extract_tags
extract_cover(path, album_title, album_artist, year_of_publishing)
File "c:/Users/101ap/Desktop/Player/extract_tags_DB.py", line 47, in extract_cover
record = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM covers_db WHERE File_Path=?, Album_Title=?, Album_Artist=?, Year_of_Publishing=? ', (path, album_title, album_artist, year_of_publishing))
File "c:/Users/101ap/Desktop/Player/extract_tags_DB.py", line 109, in extract_tags
extract_cover(path, album_title, album_artist, year_of_publishing)
File "c:/ Users/101ap/Desktop/Player/extract_tags_DB.py", line 47, in extract_cover
record = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM covers_db WHERE File_Path=?, Album_Title=?, Album_Artist=?, Year_of_Publishing=?', (path, album_title, album_artist, year_of_publishing))
sqlite3.OperationalError: near ",": syntax error

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2 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2020-01-09

can you decompose?

evgen_ks, 2020-01-10

Looks like duplicate_one = record_one.fetchall() doesn't see record_one due to spaces in
record_one declaration

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