dz_off2022-02-11 18:10:56
dz_off, 2022-02-11 18:10:56

How to fix error when using face_recognition library?

It gives an error when using the face_recognition library, I can’t fix it for several days, all the necessary libraries are installed

The code itself

import numpy as np
import face_recognition as fr
import cv2

video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

bruno_image = fr.load_image_file("bruno.jpg")
bruno_face_encoding = fr.face_encodings(bruno_image)[0]

known_face_encondings = [bruno_face_encoding]
known_face_names = ["Bruno"]

while True:
    ret, frame = video_capture.read()

    rgb_frame = frame[:, :, ::-1]

    face_locations = fr.face_locations(rgb_frame)
    face_encodings = fr.face_encodings(rgb_frame, face_locations)

    for (top, right, bottom, left), face_encoding in zip(face_locations, face_encodings):

        matches = fr.compare_faces(known_face_encondings, face_encoding)

        name = "Unknown"

        face_distances = fr.face_distance(known_face_encondings, face_encoding)

        best_match_index = np.argmin(face_distances)
        if matches[best_match_index]:
            name = known_face_names[best_match_index]

        cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255), 2)

        cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, bottom - 35), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255), cv2.FILLED)
        font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
        cv2.putText(frame, name, (left + 6, bottom - 6), font, 1.0, (255, 255, 255), 1)

    cv2.imshow('Webcam_facerecognition', frame)

    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):


And compilation errors

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1 answer(s)
dz_off, 2022-02-12

in the future, whoever encounters this problem, then remove dlib, face recognition and install them on python 3.6 in anaconda and everything will work

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