superman19842016-01-29 13:16:17
IntelliJ IDEA
superman1984, 2016-01-29 13:16:17

How to fix error (does not point to a valid jvm) in Intellij IDEA when opening files via context menu?

When trying to open .java or .class files in Intellij Idea through the context menu (through the right mouse button), an error appears 64c7279f785b44afaebb9f682fec101f.png
. The same error occurs when opening .html or .js files in PHPStorm.
Moreover, if you open the same files from the program itself - everything is correct!
Thanks for the help!

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2 answer(s)
superman1984, 2016-01-29

Who needs it, the solution is described here

Sergey Novikov, 2016-01-29

I will assume that the matter is in the working directory (when opening through the environment, the path of the environment is used, when opening a file - the folder of the file). At the same time, Intellij and all derivatives come with Java version 7, and the transition to 8 occurred in the latest EAP builds. If you had Java 7, then most likely you would not notice the error.

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