Sasha2015-11-06 13:27:47
Sasha, 2015-11-06 13:27:47

How to fix border-radius + dashed bug in Firefox?

I encountered an unexpected bug, it turns out that in firefox they do not work together border-radius: 50%; and border-style:dashed;
I already found a bug report on the ff support site, but no specific solution was found.
Perhaps someone encountered this bug and was able to fix it?)
Thank you!
Example of a bug

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2 answer(s)
Aleksandr, 2015-11-06

No way.
Use png or svg

Valery Serov, 2015-11-13

jsfiddle.net/3t1cq8hk Do this https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/A...

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