sanke462017-11-13 09:10:55
Network administration
sanke46, 2017-11-13 09:10:55

How to fix adaptive layout?

Here is the sai dev.redretail.ru/cobstvenikam.php
in 768 resolution appears from the right lane and its broken 4 hours I sit looking for what the problem is, help me find the error

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8 answer(s)
dollar, 2019-08-21

For legal providers have higher prices because it is a cash cow. It's not a divorce. This is such a life. If your client suddenly becomes a jur. a face or a whale, then you too, like any normal person, look first of all not at the cost of your services, but how much money the client has and whether he has a choice at all.
However, in addition to high prices, you can conclude an agreement with the provider, where he guarantees you something. For example, a stable channel, of a certain width, not lower, minimum % loss, minimum uptime, etc. Well, if you can agree, of course. As they say, any whim for your money. Just if you are legal. face, then to you and the approach is individual, use this.
Grandfathers don't cost millions (per player). You just don't have enough money to implement your ideas. If your games (business) were profitable, then you would not take into account the cost of delicacies at all, because this is a drop in the ocean.
First of all, the channel width saves from DDOS, if the server is in a DC. Under ddos, there can also be just a large influx of players, such that your servers are bursting at the seams. Your task, as a hoster, is to provide power and a channel. Then you can safely live under DDoS without worrying about whether it is real or not.
As you understand, "home" servers have a narrow channel. Let's assume 100Mbit, although you should specify what the provider gives you. This is a funny number. If you have three cripples playing, then everything is fine. If there are a lot of players playing, then the channel simply cannot stand it. And it will be easier for any ill-wisher to reach you. And it doesn't matter if you "hid" your ip or not.
A game server through a proxy - the idea itself is worthy of individual applause. Because ping suffers! Thus, the quality of the servers themselves falls. Game hosting in this case, you will be so-so.
Therefore, if you want protection from DDoS, then choose a normal DC, rent a Dedicated Device, and be sure to ask about the details of what will happen in the event of DDoS, is there protection as a separate service, and is it worth the extra money. It makes no sense to install a game server at home or in the office. Unless, I repeat, only your friends play there.

Ronald McDonald, 2019-08-21

I want to host game servers

And you are funny.
It’s not hiding your IP that will save you from dudos (besides, what difference does it make if you are dudosed by your IP or a proxied one?), But specialized protection methods that are easy to google.

Radjah, 2019-08-21

> there are no failures in their work
> 85% uptime
> game server hosting
And drive traffic through an intermediate node, increasing delays? Did you say this seriously now?
> rent
IMHO you're doing some bullshit.
Usually, to get rid of hemorrhoids with the maintenance of the network infrastructure, servers are brought to third-party hosting and they are controlled remotely.

CityCat4, 2019-08-21

The third most popular topic on Toaster is how to rent servers/create hosting.
Yes, yopt, who needs you with your 85% uptime, when normal people have servers in DC, where uptime can reach six nines? (meaning after the comma of course)
Not, for yourself, for family, for friends, for fans of some little-known game taken from support - why not, but as soon as there are more than three and a half users - your server just lay down. Because your channel is not 100Mb, but "...up to 100Mb" most likely - you hardly asked the question about the flat rate? And up to 100 MB - it can be 10 :)

Dmitry, 2017-11-13

    max-width: 100%;
    overflow-x: hidden;

zoozag, 2017-11-13

Scroll to the far right and use this tool to look for the elements that stick out from you.
overflow-x: hidden; Of course, it will remove the scroll, but it will not solve your problems.
Understand the bootstrap classes, see what styles the .row and .container classes have, otherwise you use them anywhere.

Gortyser, 2017-11-13

Text pops up

This is due to the .row element, which has no maximum width and ignores padding and stuff. Set max-width: 100% - it won't overflow. But the site will look different.

Eugene, 2017-11-13

negative margin interferes in some places

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