Cesare Borgia2014-08-18 17:58:29
Cesare Borgia, 2014-08-18 17:58:29

How to find the maximum value in one array related to another by id?

Good evening, dear connoisseurs!
Please tell me how to solve this problem.
I have two arrays. One array is the user id values ​​=> points count and the other array is the user id => user category.

    // id => score
    [5] => 14
    [1] => 10
    [3] => 6
    [8] => 3
    [7] => 1
    [4] => 0

    // id => category
    [5] => 21
    [1] => 4
    [3] => 6
    [8] => 23
    [7] => 23
    [4] => 5

Ideally, I would like to know how to get an array in which there will be a category => id of the user with the maximum number of points in this category.
Tell me, please, how can I do it better?

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1 answer(s)
Sergey, 2014-08-18

Tasks at school are set so that you do them yourself.
It doesn't even have a nested loop. You will succeed!

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