Yaroslav #2021-05-01 10:51:53
Yaroslav #, 2021-05-01 10:51:53

How to find out which process a button starts in windows 10?

I want to make a shortcut that would press a certain button in the system for quick access to it, but I don’t know what process the button launches. Tell me how it is possible to calculate what the button does, or how to create a copy of it in the form of a label.608d0887bff40506648803.png

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2 answer(s)
Kirill Kirik, 2021-05-01

1. Run PowerShell as administrator.
2. Insert the command:

Disable-PnpDevice -InstanceId 'device'

3. In Device Manager , in the Device Properties, go to the Details tab, in the Property list, select Path to the device instance and copy the value.
4. In PowerShell , paste the copied value into our command instead of the word device (quotes should remain).
5. Confirm execution by entering [Y].
To turn the device back on, change Disable to Enable in the command .
You can make a script out of this and perform this action on a shortcut.

15432, 2021-05-01

This button doesn't invoke a process, but you can make a PowerShell script with this command for this action. You only need the exact name of your device.

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