NortherFox2014-01-17 14:39:34
Computer networks
NortherFox, 2014-01-17 14:39:34

How to find out ip by mac address?

There is a set of mac-addresses of a certain number of PCs, how can you find out their IP-addresses under Windows or Linux if there has never been a connection with these computers and arp is empty?

ps You can offer an option for both Linux and Windows, both OSes are at hand

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5 answer(s)
sublime, 2014-01-30

You can try like this (for Windows, in the console)
Start a ping to the broadcast address of your network.
For example, if your network is with a mask of, then your address will be, and the most recent broadcast address is That's it you need to ping, then give the command
arp -a
You will see all the ip addresses on your network with their poppies. Well, you'll find what you need there.

Alexander Afanasiev, 2014-12-04

well, just what would I write:
In Windows (no need to install additional utilities)
find out poppy by ip: nbtstat -A
find out ip by poppy: arp -a | grep 00-11-22-33-44-55 //of course, limited to one network.

Nikolai Vasilchuk, 2014-01-17

Another option is to ping all addresses on the network (something like nmap -sP, and thenarp -an | grep %MAC%

Andrew, 2014-01-17

If there has never been a connection to these computers and arp is empty, then scan your local network with the simplest icmp ping, for example nmap; and for 15 minutes in your ARP table will be fun and cheerful.

Dandrontiy Kormenstein, 2021-01-09

For Windows, you need to make the bat file name whatever you like. For example ping-by-mac.bat

@echo off
if "%1" == "" echo no MAC address & exit /b 1
for /L %%a in (1,1,254) do @start /b ping 192.168.31.%%a -n 2 > nul
ping -n 3 > nul
arp -a | find /i "%1"

Then run this bat file with the
ping-by-mac.bat X1-X2-X3-X4-X5-X6
All parameter.

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