Barney_Gubmle2019-02-18 15:26:30
Computer networks
Barney_Gubmle, 2019-02-18 15:26:30

How to find out if an IP belongs to one PC?

We have two IPs, dynamic.
How to check whether they belong to the same PC or not?
The IP may be from another country, so you can't see the MAC through a ping on the command line.

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1 answer(s)
Saboteur, 2019-02-18

Guaranteed - you will not succeed.
You can try to scan a remote computer for open ports and software that is running, but if you only have a log that you came from these two computers, and now they are no longer available, then nothing.
Moreover, if this is a dynamic IP, then theoretically several devices can visit this IP in a day.

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