Artemy2017-01-14 16:12:27
Artemy, 2017-01-14 16:12:27

How to find direct sales managers for %%?

I overcame the development stage and moved on to the stage of sales development, but naturally there are not enough resources for everything. Accordingly, the task arose to find a direct sales manager in the team. At this stage, so far for %%, because the project is moving towards self-sufficiency.
I've tried different options, but so far no result. Does anyone know how to find them?
On the one hand, there are a lot of sales on the exchanges - on the other hand, according to the results of several negotiations, they don’t even get what they need to sell.

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4 answer(s)
Alexey Strukov, 2017-01-14

In my opinion, an employee on a percentage is not beneficial, first of all, to the employer, although a cursory analysis gives rise to the illusion that this saves the budget and does not have to pay for simple labor. In fact, an employee with this method of payment will only take on those clients that seem interesting to him (less hemorrhoids) and he will not care how much you spend on attracting leads. He will start leaving work ahead of time if he considers that he has enough money earned for this month and you cannot keep him in the office until the end of the working day - he is not paid for sitting out his pants, but only for sales.
Or such a situation - a client appears who, theoretically, can start buying a lot, but now he has an application for only 1000 rubles. Will your employee consider this client as important as you consider him? For him, this is a small thing, where the time spent on negotiations is more expensive than the percentage received from sales.
In short, it seems to me that the minimum fix is ​​necessary to keep the employee within the framework and require him to complete all the tasks, and not just those where he has the maximum profit.

Dimonchik, 2017-01-14

you take a student girl or a lady on maternity leave,
you learn to
measure KPI , you
repeat it,
and according to your option - alas, there are no idiots, freelancing washes everything

Igor, 2017-01-16

Judging by what you write and comments, you have a problem not with sales, but with the product. You do not need a salesperson, but a competent marketer-product designer (and this is one person).

malbaron, 2017-01-15

The usual search for an ordinary employee.
Labor exchanges, etc.
This is a fairly common profession.

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