Dmitry2017-09-15 19:08:48
Google Chrome
Dmitry, 2017-09-15 19:08:48

How to enable 2gis search in Chrome?

Good time! the question is to connect the 2gis search to the Chrome browser (search engines) in order to search for the address on the maps of the tugis by abbreviation through the address bar of the browser. This works " https://2gis.ru/moscow/search/%1 " but does not enlarge the map and does not center it on the object. Here is an example of an open request from the Tugis site from the address bar
" https://2gis.ru/moscow/firm/4504127908668796%2C37.... " What parameters should be added to the first line so that the map is still enlarged and centered?

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1 answer(s)
web_xaser, 2017-09-15

Let's consider on your example:
4504127908668796- the identifier of the company, the card of which is displayed by 2gis.
37.569777 и 55.728186- coordinates of the mark of this company.
queryState=center%2F37.568886%2C55.728228- coordinates on which the map is centered.
zoom%2F17- map scale (the larger the number, the closer the map is to the object).
Accordingly, you cannot immediately go to the cards of organizations from the search bar of the browser, because. you drive in only a specific search query, and not all these parameters.
The most suitable way for the browser is this link (it will only lead to the search page for organizations): https://2gis.ru/moscow/search/%s/tab/firms?querySt...

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