Alexander2021-03-23 11:21:47
Text Processing Automation
Alexander, 2021-03-23 11:21:47

How to edit large *.txt and *.lst files?

Good afternoon!
There are large (several tens of GB) text files with *.txt and *.lst extensions. It is necessary to somehow more conveniently view + edit + search them. (from under WIN 10 pro)
I tried to open it through Notepad ++, he cursed me that "the file is too large."
Oh yes, I forgot one more time. It is necessary that after working with such large files they do not litter the cache for a couple of tens of GB, so that my SSD does not stand up because the Temp folder is swollen
. the criteria are:
-quick search;
-adequate work with computer resources;

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6 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2021-03-23

I use EmEditor and Texpad , any viewers, KLOGG is the same

ComodoHacker, 2021-03-23

For browsing and searching, I use Far Manager.
As for editing, you need to clarify what kind of editing. Editing such files manually is somewhat strange. Usually, batch editing utilities like awk, sed, etc. are used for this.

Roman Mirilaczvili, 2021-03-23

If the text file has a table structure or line by line is words, then convert to SQLite DBMS or another. When transferred to the DBMS, each row will receive its own number and it will be possible to manipulate the data using SQL queries.

d-stream, 2021-03-23

Those. the criteria are:
-quick search;
-adequate work with computer resources;

This is actually a description of the database .
Therefore, Roman Mirr's advice has a place to be.
Here, rather, questions of a different plan:
- how often will these files change from the outside? and will they?
What kind of search?

12rbah, 2021-03-23

Sublime is fine for viewing. For quick editing of arbitrary text, you are unlikely to find something, because. when editing, the file is overwritten, if you do this in the graphics, then most likely the process will hang for a couple of minutes for sure. It just took me a few seconds to search by text for 1GB of raw text (program console), and you also change something you want, for editing you need to either convert it to a special format, or endure it for 10-20 seconds while it changes word.

Alexander, 2021-03-23

Search for 'edit huge txt files'.

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