Muvka2018-12-18 13:03:08
Muvka, 2018-12-18 13:03:08

How to do ajax loading of products in WooCommerce?

I have a conceptual question, but I really need an answer from knowledgeable people. I need to make a store on WooCommerce with ajax loading of products. Those. and categories and filters should work without reloading the page. In OpenCart, I'm good at this, but WC is difficult for me to understand. So, do I need to get into the guts, look through all the hooks, etc., and make a script based on the hooks for loading products, or can I do the same through WP_Query? I'm wondering how this will affect performance and reliability. Through WP_Query, of course, it’s easier for me, I know and understand it. Don't know where else to ask...

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1 answer(s)
Vladimir Kulikov, 2019-10-30

https://info-effect.ru/beskonechnaya-prokrutka-tov... Allows you to upload goods.

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